An innovative new technology is helping people in the northwest suburbs to replace worn-out joints in a way that's less invasive and faster to heal. It all begins with a unique robotic system. ...

Sports, traumatic injuries and regular tasks can take a toll on our bodies, but with the right combination of proactive steps and health care advancements, recovery is easier than ever before. ...

Baseball helped point this Fox Valley Orthopedics surgeon to sports medicine. Say hello to Dr. James Sostak and find out what separates him from other orthopedic surgeons in the field. During his time at Benedictine University, Dr. James Sostak loved playing baseball. It was one of the catalysts that directed him to sports medicine. At the Stritch School of Medicine ...

Forty-five years is a long time to stay in business. Learn how Fox Valley Orthopedics has been able to provide affordable, expert care over the past several decades. ...

The field of orthopedics is constantly evolving. Learn how surgeries have become safer and more efficient, and how non-surgical options have become easier to pursue. ...

Meet a dedicated group of physicians who are dedicated to offering specialized orthopedic care to patients in Elgin, St. Charles, Geneva and Naperville, and discover why they've experienced tremendous growth over 40 years. ...

Joint pain doesn't have to be the inevitable conclusion of growing old. Learn how new techniques in joint surgery and therapy are making a difference. ...