He's captured countless images and events in both words and photographs, and personally witnessed McHenry County history for more than 60 years. Paul Anthony Arco visits "Mr. Woodstock." ...

It's a little bit bluegrass and Celtic, with a touch of country and Cajun and a pinch of contemporary, and it's all about telling the stories of everyday people. Jon McGinty looks at the roots of American folk music and our local folk music festivals. ...

Sixty years ago, the boys basketball team at Hebron High School captured the state championship and became the smallest school ever to win. Learn how this remarkable achievement impacted the lives of the winning players and their hometown. ...

Rockford photographer David C. Olson is no stranger to danger, when it comes to photographing wildlife. Follow him on his latest adventure, photographing wild bears in Alaska, and see his breathtaking images. ...

As girls around the world prepare to kick off Scouting's second century, discover what’s new, and what remains the same, in the organization that was founded eight years before U.S. women got the right to vote. ...

They provide clues about our collective past, and are beautiful treasures of our region. Learn about the inventive builders of three such homes, and meet their current owners, dedicated to preservation. ...

The snow is coming, and so are the holiday festivities and traditions that we hold dear. From one of the largest light festivals in the Midwest to an historic downtown square, we highlight our favorite civic gatherings. ...

Located just 15 miles west of Chicago, this suburb is full of quiet neighborhoods and parks, but it's also filled with vibrant resources. Tour the highlights and learn why residents are so enthusiastic. ...

It touches nearly 11 counties in its 185-mile journey from Waukesha County, Wis., to the Illinois River near Ottawa. Learn how environmentalists are protecting the Fox River and discover the best places to paddle and play. ...

No battles were fought on Illinois or Wisconsin soil during the bloody Civil War, but many thousands of families in our region lost loved ones. Jon McGinty traces the journey of local soldiers on the sesquicentennial anniversary of our nation’s bloodiest war. ...