Northwest Quiz: At The Farmers Market

Think you’re an expert on farmers markets? Take our quiz and find out!

Welcome to your At the Farmers Market

The word “heirloom” refers to a variety of produce that’s at least 50 years old.

Biodynamic farming considers the influences of the sun, moon, planets and stars.

Rhubarb leaves contain the toxin oxalic acid, which makes them inedible.

The first vegetable to be grown in outer space was the potato.

Certified Naturally Grown products are certified by the USDA.

GMO produce is altered genetically to gain traits it wouldn’t naturally have, such as longer shelf life.

Many fruits that are shipped long distances are picked while unripe and treated with ethylene gas to “ripen” and soften them.

The term “artisan” means that food is made in large batches by machine.

“Farmstead Cheese” means that the same people who cared for the animals that produced the milk also made the cheese.

If foods like milk, cider, sauerkraut or almonds have been heated to at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit, they are labeled “raw.”

Foods labeled “vegan” can’t contain animal products such as meat, dairy, eggs, gelatin or honey.

The “free range” label on beef or eggs is regulated by the USDA.

Asparagus, lettuce, onions, peas and spinach are examples of late-season crops.

A food product labeled “humane” implies the animal it came from was treated with compassion such as having room to lay down and access to fresh water.

Eggplant is not a vegetable.

Produce labeled “organic” never contains pesticides.

The FDA has no regulatory definition for the label “natural.”

The best way to find food that is not treated with pesticides is to purchase food labeled “USDA Organic” or “Demeter Biodynamic.”

A strawberry is not technically a berry because its seeds are on its outside rather than its inside.

An average pomegranate holds 100,000 seeds.